Do you have a blog and writing for passion or you are struggling to find a niche to monetize your blog?

Do you think your employers are taking you for granted and you have queued-up debts?

None of these are keeping your mind at peace. With such thoughts in your mind, you are sure to make your life a lazy drag.

This is one of the major reasons that most of the employees survive with an ‘it-will-never-work’ plan and think to escape. You definitely don’t deserve this.

If you have been looking for a better financial future, you are surely reading the best fruitful information right now. If you have been looking for a better financial future, you have landed to page worth reading. Once you decide to get started with blogging find out everything you need to know about blogging.

Getting started with blogging!

While you start blogging, the will to start is a very basic necessity that you need. Setting up your blog requires a few things like choosing the right niche, setting up your blog with a domain on word press, choosing a design and branding of your website.

Ø  Working on your Blog

Here’s what you should keep in my mind to find a niche:

You might be an amazing writer and can work on any niche but that’s not going to help you.

You should have a topic for which you know better than anyone else.

Find out your interest. Think of a topic that interests you be it photography, cooking, sports or anything you love.

Take help from Google Trends. It will keep you updated about the growth of your topic. You can also choose to change if you think there is another better topic on Google Trends.

When you have found a topic you can start blogging.

Ø  Build a Social Community

It is important for you to see what others are doing. Review other blogs, engage yourself in online forums and you will learn the best of blogging tactics.

You must have heard about Quora. There are many posts where people share their views on articles. There are various niches available like marketing, search engines, design & development, business, and products & tools. Various other websites are there like Wicked Fire, Digital Point Forum and which are some top rated online forums where you can build a community.

Self-starters weekly tips is the most known where there are weekly tips for beginners. Information passed through threads is always fruitful. Forums are the best-known knowledge booster for beginners and experts.

Ø  Deep Planning for Blogging

Before you start any of the above, define a goal. What is that you wish to achieve from your efforts?

Answer your questions, make a plan, and outline your blogging business. Blogging is nothing but a business where you achieve what you decide, there is no fixed salary, you decide the amount of work you do.

When you have a goal in front of your eyes, you can make out a plan of how to achieve it and that’s how the game begins.

Avoid the Mistakes what others have already made!

If you have already stepped into the world of blogging, then wait!

Learn from the mistakes what others have already made. We usually think that reading a few blogs and talking to some of the experts, we are ready to start. But well, it is important to make a thorough research of the field you are putting your feet in.

Ø  Mistake #1

Never start investing before building an audience. You’d be wasting your money if you are already thinking about this.

Start by creating pop-ups on your website. They might sound weird but they are definitely worth it. They might not give you the best in the beginning but slow and steady always wins the race.

Every new blog is like a new plant. You should water the plant but offering too much of water will not grow it faster.

Ø  Mistake #2

“Vision without Execution is just Hallucination.”

If you have stepped out to make money without knowing where to go, making money will just be a dream. You must have a plan and know to execute it.

For example, you start a blog on hiking and use affiliate products in your first blog.

‘Hey there, I just went to Kiev and tried hiking there. Amazing weather! You must visit, and yeah, you might be interested in this product (link).’

This would never work!

If you’ve been doing this from long, I am sure you wouldn’t have got any results.

Ø  Mistake #3

Your writing style is boring!

Giving information is amazing but if that information is boring, no one is going to read it.

Let’s be honest, nobody reads the complete article. Everyone wants an extract. It is hardly the case that readers make it to the end. Write like you are speaking with someone. Make a conversation, ask questions and give solutions. Engage with your audience.

Does that make sense?

If yes, let’s move ahead to the most common mistake bloggers do while they start their career.

Ø  Mistake #4

Never give up!

This is an important part. Seriously!

Nobody can earn a million dollars in a fortnight. Good things take time and blogging is one of them. It does take time but the result it gives you is awesome.

Never give up thinking that your efforts are going in vain. Every effort counts!

Every single blog contributes to your success.

Avoid these mistakes as they are sure to help you in a long run.

Show Time: Monetize your blog with these easy tips!

The excitement begins when you see money oozing out from the efforts you have put.

To generate money from your blogs can happen in various ways. Since, you have just entered blogging, start with Google AdSense. The tool is quite easy to use. Here’s how it begins:

Ø  Let the ads run!

The easiest way to make money from blogging is to run ads on your blog pages. Every time someone clicks on your ad, you get a certain amount. This is Google AdSense. All you have to do is to set up an account on Google AdSense which is 100% FREE and pick an ad.

More the audience, more are the clicks.

If the payment worries you, then relax!

Google will either send you a pay cheque in your mailbox or they send you the money in your bank account at the month end.

The clicks vary from the audience you have. Grow your audience and the clicks will grow themselves.

Google AdSense is a number game. It usually pays between $0.02 to $0.05 per click which goes up to $30 depending upon the product and other factors.

Ø  Affiliate Marketing is another game player!

Shout out to bloggers with a limited budget!

Yes, you heard that right. If you have a limited budget, you should definitely go for it. If you have a website, you need to choose a product or service to affiliate with and of course some quality time.

There is no limit on how much you make with affiliate marketing. There are people who became millionaires with affiliate marketing and there are the ones still struggling with blogging. They get second thoughts to head back to their 9-5 job because they do not see what others did.

Ø  Sponsored Content

Sponsored posts are the ones that need you to write about someone or their products. This allows you to make money from the people who are advertising. You can get $50 per post or it might go up to $500 which completely depends on the advertisers and their product.

Ø  Offer something

Offer your services or products. If you have a skill that you can offer to someone at a price, go for it.

As compared to a product, your time has more value and you get paid for what you offer. Here are a few examples of what people are already doing:

  • Blogging: If you are a blogger and have the potential to write about various other niches, start offering your services by promoting them on your own website.
  • Designing: Do you love designing? It’s a great idea to work for others too. You can earn by freelancing while you are using other methods of monetizing.
  • Online Training: Maybe you are a great math teacher, a healer or anything that you can do online, video lectures maybe. Sell them!

Ø  Private Advertising

If you already have a great audience, private advertising can work wonders for your blog.

This allows you to write for an advertiser on your blog and get paid.

Make your blog an amazing place for people to interact. Build a community where people connect with you and other like-minded people. The more energizing and engaging your weblog is, the more advertisers you will attract.

Patience is the biggest game-changer!

With a positive mindset and a lot of patience, every blogger needs to work hard in blogging.

While you are following all the above techniques, you need to know that success won’t happen while we are dreaming. Everything takes time.

Blogging is a slow but productive process. Here’s what you need to know:

Ø  Stick to a plan

Do not change your mind to plan B from A and back again. If you have created a plan, follow it by heart.

You cannot do blogging when you have a new plan every day.

Ø  Productivity needs patience

While you are losing patience, you are also making your efforts go in vain. Productivity comes with time and it is important to maintain quality while you’re blogging.

Blogging requires to write longer posts as it includes research but no patience equals to no quality blogs.

Ø  Traffic doesn’t come overnight

You won’t get a thousand visitors after a week of blogging.

If you think you should get traffic right after a month, you should not go for it. Attracting traffic to your weblog requires a lot of patience and hard work.

Ø  Maintain Regularity

You must maintain a regular schedule for blogging. If you are writing an article every week, make sure you don’t miss a week.

If you already have 1-10 readers who are visiting your blog and reading your pieces, they are expecting something every week. When you miss a week, you are probably asking your readers to leave.


Every process takes time and blogging is just another process. It is a great way to kick your 9-5 and earn massive income if you follow the right process. With the above article, you must have learned the various streams to make money from blogging and how to get started with a blog when you are a beginner.

The key is to never give up and hold the string that goes up to success; you will never fall down.

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Grow Web Traffic Organically Without SEO | SEO Content Studio · February 15, 2020 at 6:15 pm

[…] Also read: The Ultimate Guide to Make Money from Blogging […]

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